Thursday, October 31, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Case Study Example This desk is responsible for giving out news reports, press release, handling media, approvals for advertisements, etc. The one window operation of interacting with media is what has been identified as a successful strategy by various marketing gurus. Consider the example of Barclays; the bank has a single media management window policy, whereby, the department is responsible for handling media related issues from press release to press conferences, from giving an employment ad in the newspaper to a product ad, everything from any department has to come to this media desk, and from there, it gets dispersed to the media. This not just ensures consistency of media management practices but also ensures that there is no misquotation of any management word in the media, since everything channelizes through this department, the statements prior to appearing in media are well modified to ensure that it complies with the given set of rules of the media desk. Another classical example is that of the FMCG firms like Unilever and P&G; if observed closely, it can be seen that the vacancy ads of these firms are highly standardized no matter which job it is for. Additionally, the product advertisements are also very standardized for the fact that the points that they should cover, the disclaimers, etc. This clearly indicates that the firm has a specialized advertising desk that is responsible for ensuring that certain particular ingredients are present in all ads that are given out by the respective firms. For any newer firm entering a particular business, it should be known media is a tremendous resource if utilized appropriately. Its utilization truly depends on how it is tackled by the firm. A business should establish a media desk whereby it is responsible for tackling all media affairs. As mentioned in the example of Barclays, a specialized media desk is effective for businesses because they create a relationship with media activities and their constant

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses Essay Example for Free

The Effectiveness of Online Writing Courses Essay Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are one of the revolutionary trends in education across the world. Many controversies surround it with some education stakeholders viewing it as very costly but of little value. In addition, other critics consider it a cheaper model of teaching especially in higher education (Vimeo, 2014). Cheaper in the sense many students can be reached wherever they are with no travel needed, by a single instructor, but of little value in the sense that there is no face to face interaction between the student and the instructor. For instance, Dr. Karen Head and Thomas Friedman hold divergent opinions and views on the same issue; however, they tend to agree on other significant views concerning the debate this may be in order to attain a neutral understanding. The revolution in the education sector across the world, which is created by massive use of the internet, is acknowledged by both Head and Friedman. The duos are acknowledging that many students across the world can be reached and access education online. However, there is a feeling that many students especially those from financially challenged backgrounds may be left out (Head, 2013, para. 1). Friedman is arguing that, â€Å"massive open online courses can present a scenario of inequalities in education provision.† He further asserts that, â€Å"children and students from affluent families will use online courses to augment teaching on campus while their counterparts from the less fortunate families will resort to the use of automated online instruction with little personal guidance (Head, 2013, Para. 2).† This is something that Head shares closely with Friedman as she also raises the concern that many students across the world that she instructs using massive open online courses have little access to the internet. Nevertheless, the content that the model is  able to deliver to the students is also a matter of controversy. Friedman is worried of the number of students that can be handled with the use of MOOCs (Head, 2013, para. 4). His other worry is the creation of a â€Å"super professor† that can handle such huge numbers while the rest of the lecturers are left with nothing to handle. Head, however, praises the model as she reports that besides reaching many students in almost all continents of the world, the students have also formed forums where they discuss contents and technology and helps one another with questions. She is also admitting that the most exciting part of all is the weekly â€Å"hangout† sessions, which are enabled by the use of Google air (Head, 2013, para. 5). Friedman and Dr. Head still possess different understanding about the use of MOOCs. For instance, Dr. Head is focusing on the Massive open online courses as an instructional means of disseminating information to the students. However, Friedman sees it as a supplementary to the traditional courses and programs. He contends that, â€Å"MOOCs is an example of what colleges have been offering as a remedial aid to students (Friedman, 2013, para. 1) .† Dr. Head, on the other hand, presents MOOCs as comprehensive ways of instruction to the students. For instance, whenever there is a problem the students are always emailed. She adds that the students are kind especially when they become transparent. In this case, the two authors differ on their take on the MOOCs (Friedman, 2013, Para. 2). While Friedman is questioning the authentic nature of the MOOCs, Head, on the other hand, is keen on this issue. She acknowledges the huge number as a challenge with regards to the assessment of the students (Friedman, 2013, Para. 3). However, she is keen to demystify any doubt about the authentic nature of their assessment as she puts it that, â€Å"students are first trained on peer review and peer assessment.† The students are also supposed to have a look at the previous essays and see how they were awarded and graded. While Thomas is concerned with the content retention of the MOOCs, he is also concerned about the level of plagiarism that is associated with such a method (Friedman, 2013, Para. 4). Despite the usefulness of the method as it saves time when reaching out students with information, the time involved in the preparation is enormous, a fact that is shared by both Friedman and Head. For instance, Friedman doubts how possible it is easy to assess and reach enormous large number of students within a short period. However, Head, while defending how assessment and  reaching the students is done, admits time as a challenge with open online massive courses (Head, 2013, Para. 1). For instance, she puts it that it takes awhile to prepare, and this is a procedure, which involves many things like rehearsing and recording videos among other things. As if this is not enough, after recording, the recorded script is then taken for editing something that lasts for another ten days before getting the approval of the Cousera. Indeed the process for the MOOCs takes a long time something that the two authors agree on (Head, 2013, Para. 2). In terms of financial cost, it is expensive for both the student and even the university to run and use. Higher education is perceived to be free or affordable and that all students should access it, across the world. However, both Head and Friedman are in agreement on this issue. For instance, Friedman argues that due to its expensive nature the students from rich families are the only people that can comfortably enjoy it against those from poor economic backgrounds. Head, on the other hand, perceives its expensive nature in the form of the stages it undergoes. She says that before one can use the MOOCs, it has to take one many stages like rehearsal, recording and edition before getting the approval to present (Head, 2013, Para. 3). In the light of all the arguments, one can conclude that the two authors, Friedman and. Head, have varying opinions on the use of the MOOCs to teach. In some instances, they tend to agree on certain issues and in some cases; they differ on their stands on certain issues. For instance, Head while admitting the challenge of a huge number of students that the method handles, she suggests strategies on how they are handling such challenges (Head, 2013, Para. 4). Friedman is in doubt whether the model is good enough to handle the big number of students comfortably. The two authors also express the divergent opinion on the use of open online massive courses. For instance, Friedman views the model as a supplement that should take the form of remedial while Dr. Karen perceives it as a comprehensive whole model (Head, 2013, Para. 5). References Friedman L. Thomas. (2013). The Opinion pages: Revolution Hits the Universities. New York Times. Retrieved from Head, Karen. (2013). Lessons Learned from a

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Care Programme Approach And Its Impact Social Work Essay

The Care Programme Approach And Its Impact Social Work Essay This essay will outline and analyse the Care Programme Approach (CPA), a social policy which was introduced in England in 1991. it will critically analyse and evaluate how and why this policy (CPA) was introduced. In doing so, it will attempt to explore the social problems with which the policy was concerned, its ideological origins, its aims and its nature. Finally, this essay will assess the effects of the implementation of the CPA based on issues of access and outcome. What is social policy? According to one website Ive consulted: The name social policy is used to apply to the policies which governments use for welfare and social protection; to the ways in which welfare is developed in a society, and to the academic study of the subject. In the first sense, social policy is particularly concerned with social services and the welfare state. In the second, broader sense, it stands for a range of issues extending far beyond the actions of government the means by which welfare is promoted, and the social and economic conditions which shape the development of welfare. Social problems with which the policy (CPA) was concerned There are several social problems with which the CPA was concerned and some of them are: The 1984 murder of social worker Isabel Schwarz by a former mental health client as cited by Sharkey (2000) prompted a government inquiry that was led by Sir Roy Griffiths in 1988. His report Community Care: Agenda for Action was the forerunner to the National Health Service and Community Care Act of 1990 (NHSCCA) which sets out the foundation for present day Care Programme Approach in England. The care programme approach was also instigated by the Christopher Clunis unmet needs as noted by the Ritchie Report in 1999. The report criticised the demeaning failures of the health and social services to work together in relation to the needs of people with mental health problems and to protect the public. The emergence of advocates groups such as MIND, the Mental Health Foundation and Informal Carers pressure group in the 1980s were also major social factors that led to the development of the CPA (Mor ris (1993). Those groups raise fundamental civil liberty issues surrounding the legal rights of people returned back into the community from psychiatric hospital and the need for appropriate services. Another major concern according to Means and Smith (1998: p48) was the official report on Ely Hospital, Cardiff, which confirmed staff cruelty to patients at this mental handicap hospital. They argued that The level of media publicity generated by these incidents became so high that a policy response became inevitable (ibid). CPAs ideological origins There are several factors that affected the development and establishment of the Care Programme Approach (CPA). However, the key factors that influence the implementation of the CPA are: political, economic and social. From the earliest stages of the Poor Laws through to the present day social security system, political factors have influenced welfare provision. Like most other policies, the CPA emerge as a result of the conservatism New Right ideology of minimum state intervention, privatisation, the idea of justice and the emergence of global market forces. The conservative government lead by Margaret Thatcher from 1979 through to the 1990s believed, politically, in reducing the power of the local authority and local government with the notion that care in the community must increasingly mean care by the community (Lavalette and Pratt 1998: 237). Mrs Thatcher expressed the view that the sacrifices which the family and voluntary organizations have played in community care from the V ictorian era to present day should not be seen as second best or degrading. Her philosophy was built on the importance of mixed economy, choice and given power back to the users of services. Mrs Thatcher was politically concerned with the political structures of the local labour government and the need to give more power to the market forces (private sector) to energize the economy. The care programme approach policy was also partly motivated by economic factors. The New Political Right regards the free market as the best way forward for organising society. They believed that a competitive market and a mixed economy of welfare is vital in encouraging competition which inspires innovation and efficiency which will inevitable provide better and cheaper services than a nationalised and bureaucratised services. This was a move away from the accepted orthodoxy of the Keynesian economics which sees government intervention in the provision of social care as necessary for the stability of the economy. The mixed economy is therefore seen by the New Right as not only promoting equality and choice but also cost effective. Many believed that the political underlying principle of giving service users choice would cover up the huge spending on the uncoordinated health and social care budget. As a result, both health and social care services were forced to introduce financial and management systems in relation to the purchase of care. For example, social workers became care managers and the purchasers rather than the providers of care. Regarding social ideology concept, the major social ideology was that, people with mental health problems, were expected to be integrated back into the community with clear and structured care plans. The fatal attacks by dangerous mentally ill people such as Christopher Cluniss who was misdiagnosed and prematurely discharged then ended up killing an innocent person, were major social factors which affected the development of the CPA. The case of Clunis raised significant social issues of the risk and danger posed by people with mental health problems, especially those not receiving proper care. The case also raises major trans-cultural social issues in relation to the significant number of black men placed on supervision register. The aim of the policy The Care Programme Approach was introduced in order to provide a clear framework for the care of people with mental health problems outside hospital (Means and Smith1998: p156), which Thompson et al (2000:573) said this include: Systemic multidisciplinary assessment, planning, monitoring, and reviewing a care plan, the inclusion of users and carers in the formulation and delivering of care and identification of a lead person or key worker and that, all of this is undertaken within a framework that is flexible and responsive to the clients changing needs (ibid). Nature of the CPA According to Thompson et al (2000) the CPA was introduced in 1991 and is intended to be the cornerstone of the governments mental health policy. This process applies to all people that are experiencing severe mental health problems who are clients of mental health services, whether on an informal or formal basis. The policy outlined four stages which should be applied to all clients in all cases. The First stage is, to carry out an assessment based on the circumstances of the client, including any support needed by carers. Secondly, to negotiate the care package in agreement with the client, carers and relevant agencies that are designed to meet the identify need within available resources. The third stage is to implement and monitor the agreed package by the appointment of a key worker now known as care co-ordinator. The care co-ordinator is responsible for the assessment and planning process. He or she could be a mental health nurse, social worker or occupational therapist. The las t stage is, to review the outcomes of the care plan and if necessary undertake revision of services provided. The policy is based on person-centred approach and one that has been important for health and social care to develop integrated policies and procedures around models of assessment, diagnostic evaluation, integrated working relationships around care plans and monitoring people in care and community by means of integrated budgets. Whereas, practice under previous systems were not person-centred instead, they involved offering people limited number of inflexible choices which were more or less organised to meet requirements of service providers rather than the service users and their carers. With mental health placed in psychiatrist hospitals or prisons these residents are controlled and manipulated by those in charge. The effects of the CPA The policy helped services maintain contact with service users, stressed the need for service users involvement in decision making; ensures that there is coordination and communication between all the professionals that are involved in the assessment and delivery of the patients care needs, but failed to provide comprehensive co-ordinated care. This lead to several criticism been made about the policy for example, it has been criticised that working together often leads to role insecurity and role ambiguity, thus creating a major hindrance to working together. The policy has also been criticised for mostly being used for inpatients instead of people in the community. This was referenced by Sharkey (2000) as an important point citing the Christopher Clunis case due to the failure to offer culturally sensitive services to meet his needs and citing the example of Lavallette and Pratt (1998: 104) in which they commented that mental health policies and practice based upon white European, middle-class norms of behaviour can result in a system which does not understand that people from other cultural backgrounds may express symptoms of mental health or ill health in different ways. This is useful in enabling the understanding of how Christopher Clunis was failed by all the professionals who saw him. For example, Sharkey (2000: p83) refer to the Ritchie Report that A GP whom Clunis had visited had struck him off his list because he was abusive and threatening. The Mental Health Foundation carried out a recent studies which aim was for respondents to talk openly about their mental health issues in relation to employment. They sent out about 3,000 questionnaire and those who replied , 86% were white UK, 3% Black African Caribbean, 2% Black Asian and 4% were other European white including Irish. What the findings has shown is that ethnic minority are uncomfortable to talk about their mental health problems for fear of discrimination and oppression. They also highlighted 85% of those with long term severe mental health problems are unemployed. These can contribute to the stress and anxiety experienced by users, carers, friends and families. For example, living with someone with serious ongoing mental health problems can cause increased strain, worries and distress together with loss of friends and social contracts (example intimate relationships), social isolation (due to stigma attached) and difficulties in coping with particular symptoms. At the same time, the protection of the public from the risk of harm is of paramount importance because patients discharged without adequate supervision or the provision necessary to meet their housing, social and health needs would increase risk to themselves and members of the public as evident in the case of Christopher Clunis. The CPA has also been criticised as a policy that it is largely dominated by medical module of treatment and social issues are neglected by practitioners and this has been highlighted by Thompson (2009) that spirituality is very important component of a persons well-being and despite this concern, peoples spiritual needs are often seen to be neglected during treatment or in developing and managing care plans for day-to-day activities. In some cases, as noted by, a charity campaigning for mental health awareness, spirituality is even seen as a manifestation of the individuals psychosis or delusions by some members of society. Even though the polic y was introduced so that people with severe mental health problems could be assessed and assigned a care coordinator so they dont present a risk to themselves or the public, there have been some problems with users of services slipping through the net and ending up either homeless or causing ham to themselves or others (sometimes even committing fatal attacks). For example, Taylor (2010) wrote on the Metro Newspaper about a man with mental health problem who hadnt been offered treatment on several attempts ended up killing a pregnant woman. Conclusion Even though this policy has helped people with severe mental health issues to be integrated well into the community and live supported or independent lives, some people with mental health problems are still seen by the policy makers as a burden and stigmatised as a threat to the community. They are routinely being denied the human rights of freedom of movement, family life, and equal access to paid jobs and adequate financial support which may then lead to homelessness and readmission in institutional care.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Essay -- Auto Cars Automobiles Mec

The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Two main types of engines powering everyday machinery are diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines. Both vary on efficiency levels, but are still effective. Diesel engines have high efficiency levels, such as producing great amount of torque at very low rpms. They are also known for their fuel-efficient behavior and capability to produce low emissions. Their capability to produce power at an efficient rate with little wear on the engine, this makes these engines ideal for hybrid integration. Hybrid integration takes a typical engine and combines it with an electric generator and motor, with the application of other electrical systems applied. Allowing the machinery to generate energy, with lower fuel consumption and cleaner emissions. Toyota is one of the leaders in the automobile hybrid design. The design goes as follows, â€Å"a VVT-I gas engine with an advanced electric motor to not only power the Prius, but also recharge the vehicle's batteries thanks to an ingenious generator and regenerative braking system†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Toyota). This regenerative braking system allows absorption of the heat energy used to brake and uses that energy to recharge the cars batteries. This system makes the car self-reliant. Even though this engine uses gasoline, the development of diesel hybrids will be the next step in innovation. Comparison: One of the main areas is the on-board fuel combustion of these engines. In tests performed by MIT, the relative consumption of on-board fuel energy for a typical gasoline internal combustion engine measured about 88%, while the Diesel-Hybrid was at 52% (Weiss 27). These tests demonstrate how much more ene... .... Design News (19 August 2002): 1-5. Peckham, Jack. â€Å"Diesel Hybrids Come Out Best In Energy, Greenhouse Gases†. Diesel Fuel News (16 April 2001): 1-2. Peckham, Jack. â€Å"Diesel Hybrids Bus Beats CNG On Key Criteria†. Diesel Fuel News (29 October 2001): 1-2. Siuru, Bill. â€Å"Hybrid’s working on the railroad: Green Goat electric switching locomotive shows promise of hybrids for rail; can be powered by diesels or microturbines†. Diesel Progress North American Edition (December 2002): 1-3 Toyota Prius. Toyota Corporation (multiple locations). Weiss, Malcolm A., Heywood, John B., Schafer, Andreas., Natarajan, Vinod K. â€Å"Comparative Assessment of Fuel Cell Cars†. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Energy and the Environment (February 2003): 1-29.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Government policies Essay

Describe, with examples, the impact of government policies on different public services P5 Identify how society is affected by government policies In the UK, policies are in place in order to protect us and help enforce diversity and equality. Sometimes they are not always positively impacted on our society and public services; they can be negative as well. In this assignment, I will cover both the impacts of government policies on the public services and how society is affected. Human Rights The most commonly known policy that has affected all of the services is the human rights policy. This act was passed in the UK in 1998 which protected us and gave us the right to life, education, liberty and security and freedom of expression. Whenever these rights are violated, the victim may take the service or person to take and challenge the actions of the violator. A Police Officer was accused of violating someone rights after hitting a student (Tony Jones) in the face. They violated freedom of assembly and association, freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Just like many cases- This one was also dismissed and the Officer wasn’t charged for the suspected violation. Equal Opportunities Very similar to Human Rights- Equal Opportunities also protect us. While this has been around for a while, the equality act was republished in 2010 which terminates any discrimination against â€Å"age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.† If for example you are applying for the Public Service and you are bisexual then the service cannot refuse your application because of your sexual orientation. If you are a male Sikh and you wanted to join the Force, you are allowed to wear a blue police turban with the badge of your force being displayed. This policy stops people from becoming more ‘important’ than others which allow everyone to be treated fairly and not the same. Civilianisation As part of the financial cut back on the Public Services, more civilians are doing non-operational work. This includes more civilians working in the  communication control centre which dispatches emergency services to 999 calls. A key reason for civilianisation is because it is a lot cheaper than employing trained employees who can do the same but with little training or experience. Fire Station Closures Fire Station closures is apart of the Government’s plan to increase savings. In London alone, 10 Fire Stations have been forced to shut down which has led hundreds of Firefighters jobless. Even the oldest serving Fire Station in Clerkenwell has been shut down. This means- For anyone who dials 999 and asks for the Fire and Rescue service, the fire fighters will take longer to arrive to the scene compared to before where there might have been a Fire Station nearby. As a consequence, Communities are not feeling safe which results in protests. Increased use of Technology The use of advanced technology being used during modern warfare has not only saved our armed services from being killed or injured, it also allowed us to get surveillance over areas that we would have never been able to. Drones and satellites have allowed us to spy over our enemies and also kill them. Metal Detectors allowed the frontline to find improvise explosive device (IED) which would have saved hundreds of lives alone. Unfortunately, it isn’t always as expected. Drones are also responsible for thousands of civilians’ life during the Afghanistan War and they have even taken our lives (Green on Blue). In the UK, increase use of technology has also saved lives and helps prosecute criminals. The increase of CCTV in the UK allowed us to record and catch criminals and serves them justice. While some people believe they violate their privacy, some people feel a lot protected within communities. Examples of society affected by Government Policies They’re many policies that affect us both positively and negatively. Examples of a few are; Tuition fees VAT rises Sales of Council Houses Tuition Fees Tuition fees are probably one of the negatives about attending  further-education. If you’re attending University then expect an expensive fee after your course that you are required to pay back each month. Many graduates are still paying their fees even after 5-10 years. The main reason why society is affected by the fees is because less people are attending university purely because it’s too costly. Even after graduation, you are not guaranteed a job so some people become jobless while having to pay back the debt. VAT rises Every item you purchase legally has a VAT which increases the overall cost of the item. This is normally a 20% increase which is quite costly- depending on the item. If you were to buy a computer for  £500(no VAT) then the final price would be  £600. This means many families are forced into poverty while they have to struggle on surviving on minimum wage. Sales of council houses Selling of council houses is becoming an increasing issue in the UK as people and even businesses are buying the house out. This means hundreds of family homes are now owned by private landlords or individual people. As a consequence, families are finding it difficult to find family-homes to live in. How Society is affected by Government Policies When Society does not agree with a new policy that the Government put into place, it normally results in protests near Governmental Buildings with signs criticising the work of Government. However, protests are both peaceful and violent. There are several types of protests such as: -Sit-ins -Marching -Legal Action -Striking -Violating Laws Sit in This is one of the common types of protests. This means staying in one location while refusing to leave. An example of a previous sit-in is the protest outside the United Nations (U.N). Marching This involves walking from different locations while holding signs and normally shouting. One of the most famous marching was led by Martin Luther King in 1963. This protest was to promote civil rights and equality for the ethnic minority. Legal Action Though this isn’t a mass-protest, it is still a form which people still use. This involves taking a person or company to court in order to press legal charges against them. In 2012, the Democratic Party sued Florida because of the presidential election results. Striking This is commonly scene among Teachers who believe they are not paid enough or the Government plan on cutting their pay check. Striking means refusing to cooperate with your employer till your demands are met. This is normally a mass-protest since you are highly likely to be fired if you general didn’t listen to your Boss. Violating Laws (Riots) Riots are normally as a result of the Public feeling angry against the Government’s decision. Riots involve people burning down buildings, looting, criminal damage and even murder. During the 2011 Riot, 5 people were murdered, over 100 Police Officers injured and over 10 protesters injured.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus

AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus AIDS Gonzales 1 The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first discovered in 1981 as a unique and newly recognized infection of the bodys immune system (Mellors 3). The name AIDS was formally know as GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Defiance Syndrome). The first case of AIDS was discovered in Los Angeles, where scientists from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were called in on a half dozen cases. The CDC was convinced what they were seeing was a new strand of virus. None of the staff members had ever seen a strand of virus that could do so much destruction to the immune system like this one did. Many theories about this disease were in question. Many scientists believed it originated in Africa. Many thought the virus existed in humans in South Central Africa for hundreds and thousands of years, causing only minor symptoms in isolated groups until it spread more widely. AIDS could also be traced back to 1959, where a blood sample was taken from a man from Zaire and then frozen. Labs later indicated that the blood sample had the AIDS virus strand in it. Some weird theories also arose in the science arena, where some scientists believed that the virus was caused by a mutation of an existing virus. Others thought it was a creation of God to punish sinful people. A former government worker claimed it was a plot by the CIA to eliminate the population. One scientist thought the virus was brought here from outer space. One more theory about this virus was this was natures way of telling us we have to many people. Gonzales 2 The AIDS rate was known to be very high in homosexual men. It was believed that the AIDS virus was carried from Africa to Haiti. Haiti was known as gay paradise, because it was a popular vacation spot for homosexuals. Bathhouses were the hang out for many homosexual men and a place where prostitution flourished. Some bathhouses reported that more than 1000 men would visit each year. Since many men from all over the world visited these bathhouses, researchers believed the spread of AIDS could be linked to this type of behavior. There are many symptoms that are associated with the AIDS virus, such as HIV (Human Immundodeficiency Virus). HIV is subdivided into two related types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is individuals at high risk for developing the AIDS virus. HIV-2 is among people in West Africa and a few other cities that have the strand of the virus called SIV (Simian Immundefienciency Virus) which is found in wild African monkeys. The pattern of the HIV virus usually lasts up to ten years before any symptoms are detected. The first stage is the Primary HIV infection stage. This is where the disease is first detected. Following 3-6 weeks after the initial detection, the Acute HIV Syndrome stage kicks in. Some symptoms to look for in this stage are fever, headaches, sore throat, rashes, and diarrhea. The next stage is the Clinical Latency stage. This stage usually lasts for several years. Some symptoms to look for in this stag e are fever, weight loss, fatigue, night Gonzales 3 sweats, and diarrhea. Some infections to look for in this stage are Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Herpes simplex, and lesions on the body. Following the pain and suffering that comes with all these symptoms; death finally takes its toll on another victim. The death toll that AIDS has inflicted on America today is unbelievably high. Within the past decade, the pandemic of HIV and AIDS infections has spread all across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by mid 1996 approximately 28 million people worldwide would had been infected with the HIV virus, of whom 8 million have developed the AIDS and nearly 6 million, including 1.3 million children had died (Mellors 4). It is estimated that about 22 million adults and children are infected worldwide from the HIV virus, and of the 22 million people, about 1 million are in the United States, 5 million in Asia, and about 14 million people in Africa. By the year 2000, the number of AIDS infections will reach about 40 million people across the

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Marlowes Function As A Narrator In Heart Of Darkness

Focuses on Marlowe's function in the novel and his relationship to the author. Marlowe is the main and the most important character of Joseph Conrad’s novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Marlowe’s importance increases with the fact that he is the narrator of the story of the journey in to the heart of darkness. Marlowe is the person who navigates the ship of plot from the beginning, slowly and gradually and steers it to its final culminating point. Joseph Conrad also wrote a novel about Marlowe called â€Å"Youth†, a narrative before beginning â€Å"Heart of Darkness† in 1898. He wrote most of his other major works- including â€Å"Lord Jim† which also features Marlowe. So, Marlowe is an important character which is the integral part of some of Conrad’s novels, as Willson Follett says: â€Å"Half the discussion of Mr. Conrad’s way of getting his stories told in talk is necessarily the discussion of Marlowe, known to us in â€Å"Youth†, though unnamed in â€Å"Folk†, â€Å"Lord Jim† and â €Å"Chance†. Another critic Guerard says about Marlowe’s role in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†: â€Å"Substantially and in its central emphasis â€Å"Heart of Darkness† concerns Marlowe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..and his journey towards and through certain facets or potentialities of self.† Marlowe is much like Conrad. For him too the journey begins in a sinister office in Brussels, that â€Å"white sepulcher† of a city. He too, like Marlowe walked two miles through the jungle to Kinshasa before reaching his ship. And he too went up the river to an inner station toiling† along slowly on the edge of black and incomprehensible frenzy.† Conrad also says himself in this regard: â€Å"Youth† is a feat of memory†¦.a record of experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†Heart of Darkness† is experience too; but it is experience pushed a little (only a little) beyond the actual facts of the case.† Marlowe’s function as a narrator is many faceted. In a sense he is a kind of helper to Conrad. Marlow... Free Essays on Marlowe's Function As A Narrator In 'Heart Of Darkness' Free Essays on Marlowe's Function As A Narrator In 'Heart Of Darkness' Focuses on Marlowe's function in the novel and his relationship to the author. Marlowe is the main and the most important character of Joseph Conrad’s novel â€Å"Heart of Darkness†. Marlowe’s importance increases with the fact that he is the narrator of the story of the journey in to the heart of darkness. Marlowe is the person who navigates the ship of plot from the beginning, slowly and gradually and steers it to its final culminating point. Joseph Conrad also wrote a novel about Marlowe called â€Å"Youth†, a narrative before beginning â€Å"Heart of Darkness† in 1898. He wrote most of his other major works- including â€Å"Lord Jim† which also features Marlowe. So, Marlowe is an important character which is the integral part of some of Conrad’s novels, as Willson Follett says: â€Å"Half the discussion of Mr. Conrad’s way of getting his stories told in talk is necessarily the discussion of Marlowe, known to us in â€Å"Youth†, though unnamed in â€Å"Folk†, â€Å"Lord Jim† and â €Å"Chance†. Another critic Guerard says about Marlowe’s role in â€Å"Heart of Darkness†: â€Å"Substantially and in its central emphasis â€Å"Heart of Darkness† concerns Marlowe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..and his journey towards and through certain facets or potentialities of self.† Marlowe is much like Conrad. For him too the journey begins in a sinister office in Brussels, that â€Å"white sepulcher† of a city. He too, like Marlowe walked two miles through the jungle to Kinshasa before reaching his ship. And he too went up the river to an inner station toiling† along slowly on the edge of black and incomprehensible frenzy.† Conrad also says himself in this regard: â€Å"Youth† is a feat of memory†¦.a record of experience†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†Heart of Darkness† is experience too; but it is experience pushed a little (only a little) beyond the actual facts of the case.† Marlowe’s function as a narrator is many faceted. In a sense he is a kind of helper to Conrad. Marlow...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

17 Best Fine Arts Colleges in the US

17 Best Fine Arts Colleges in the US SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re interested in attending a fine arts college, your college search may be trickier than the average student's. It’s relatively simple to compare standard undergraduate degree programs, but fine arts schoolscan be so different: they have different specialties, different facilities, and different curricula. How do you know which fine arts colleges are the best, and how do you know which ones would be good fits? I’ve taken the first step for you by compiling a list of some of the topfine arts colleges and bachelor's programs in the country. Each one offers something a little different, making this ranking list a bit more unique (and a bit more interesting) than your average college ranking list. Because it’s difficult and perhaps unhelpful to give these schools a definite ranking on this list, I’ve separated them into school type. I’ve also prepared some strategies for figuring which schools best meet your own personal needs. But before all that, I’ll answer a more basic question: what is a fine arts college, exactly? What's a Fine Arts College? Put simply;a fine arts college is a school that educates students in the visual or performing arts. These schools offera couple of different degree options: Bachelor of Fine Arts: If you get a BFA, or Bachelor of Fine Arts, the majority of your undergraduateeducation willconsist of practical studio work instead of more traditional lecture or discussion classes. For example, a typical BFA program might have students in fine arts courses 2/3 of the time and general education courses 1/3 of the time. Bachelor of Art: aBA, or Bachelor of Art, is the most common undergraduate degree - most people with BAs didn't study fine arts. If you choose this type of degree program, it just means that you'll take more general education courses than if you chose a BFA. For example, you might spend 1/3 of the time in fine arts courses and 2/3 of the time on general liberal arts studies. Once you choose your degree type, you'll most likelyhave to choose an arts specialty. This is like a major that helps you hone in and excel within a particular field or area. Many fine arts colleges have a wide variety of specialties to choose from, including acting, musical theater, ceramics, computer animation, creative writing, dance, sculpture, and drawing (just to name a few). The standard fine arts schoolonly offers degree programs that focus on, well, fine arts. But you can also getthe BA in fine arts, or even a BFA, at some liberal arts colleges or universities.I'll present the top degree programs at both fine arts colleges and other colleges and universities in the following rankings list. How Are These Schools Ranked? Fine arts colleges are generally either specialized stand-alone institutions orprograms embedded within a larger university. Because fine arts programscan come in various forms, they’re a bit difficult to compare - they’re not necessarily standardized.So,I used a combination of aggregated ranked lists and industry opinions to compile a list of the top fine arts colleges in the country. Because colleges thatspecialize solely in fine artsare pretty different fromlarger, liberal arts universities, I separated the schools into lists based on this distinction. Once I separated them into these two groups, I arranged them in alphabetical order. Although there are a few stellar, stand-out institutions (which I make note of at the beginning of each section), fine arts schools rankings are difficult to standardize because they can offer such different resources to students. Because of this, I encourage you to look for schools that best fit your own artistic goals and preferences when considering these lists. As for the actual factors deciding whether I included a school on this list? I considered things like quality of facilities, program faculty, alumni network, industry opinion, aggregated ranking lists, and program offerings. If you're interested in any of the schools listed below and want to get admissions stats, just click the school name. Let's get to the rankings! Fine ArtsSchools I imagine you'll be moving way beyond primary colors at any of these schools. The following schools are primarily dedicated to art and design education. The real standouts here - the schools that tend to be ranked at the top of lists year after year - are the Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Savannah College of Art and Design.You may notice when you review the list that these schools tend to be relatively larger than some others, with a wider variety of program offerings. California College of the Arts This school is primarily dedicated to educating students in the arts. It offers 21 undergraduate programs in fine arts, including an "individualized major" option for students who may have extremely niche interests. California College of the Arts alsoretains strong faculty members and supplements the offerings of core educators with a rotation of visiting artists, designers, and writers. Finally, the student-faculty ratio is an impressively low 8:1. Degrees offered: BA, BFA Read more about CCA's undergraduate offerings Maryland Institute College of Art Maryland Institute College of Art offers 16 different art majors, including several interdisciplinary options like "interactive arts" and "interdisciplinary sculpture." In addition to these options, students also get to choose from a wide range of studio concentrations. The school's faculty includes 219 professional artists, designers, art historians, poets, and writers. The student-faculty ratio stands at a low 10:1. This school is particularly strong in graphic design, painting, and drawing, so it may be a good option for students who wish to pursue any of those artistic concentrations. Degree offered: BFA Read more about MICA's undergraduate offerings Pratt Institute At the Pratt Institute, students can choose from degrees in Art Design Education, Digital Arts, Film, Fine Arts, and Photography. The school also offers several associate's degrees in fine arts if you're not sure whether you want to commit to a bachelor's program. Overall, this institution is ranked consistently well for their fine arts, design, and studioprograms. Degree offered: BFA Read more about fine arts at the Pratt Institute Rhode Island School of Design The Rhode Island School of Design, or RISD, is one of the most well-known and well-celebrated fine arts schools in the country. It offers16 undergraduate majors and state-of-the-art facilities and tools. RISD prides itself on providing students with opportunities towork collaboratively with faculty mentors. And the faculty it retains are impressive - many are renowned artists like Chris Van Allsburg, a famous children's book illustrator. One of RISD's most impressive appeals, though, is its location: Providence is one of the most artisticallycultured cities in the country. Degree offered: BFA Read more about RISD's programs RISD also comes with free natural inspiration. Savannah College of Art and Design SCAD is one of the most prestigious art and design institutions in the countryandhas an impressive variety of fine arts specializations for undergraduates. Students can get a degree inalmost anything you can think of, including animation, visual effects, fibers, and furniture design. The school also has an impressive faculty and alumni network, a big plus when it comes time for applying to grad school or jobs. Degree offered:Depends on your specialization Read more about SCAD's fine arts programs School of the Art Institute of Chicago The School of the Art Institute of Chicago is one of the largest art schools in the US. Because of its size, it can offer some more unique specializations, including things like art therapy, time arts, and visual communication. Ithas over 550 faculty members, which might make it easier to find a professor or mentor who shares your interests and passions. Finally, this school is affiliated with one of the best art museums in the country. Degrees offered: BA, BFA Read more about SAIC's program offerings The New School The New School is primarily dedicated to the arts; it offers many flexible degree programs to artistically-inclined students. ItsBFA program in fine arts is offered through the Parsons School for Design in NYC. Degree offered: BFA Read more about The New School's fine arts program Fine Arts Programs at Other Colleges Universities What could be more fun than a studio course? Some strong fine arts programs aren't offered at art-specific institutions, but instead through art departments at colleges or universities. The real standout on this list isYale,which offers one of the best art programs in the country as well as a top-notch general education. These options arelikely better for students who are seeking more of a balance between a fine arts education and a general or liberal arts education. Columbia University Columbia offers a prestigious fine arts program that's located in the heart of the art world: New York City. The program boasts a long list of notable alumni and faculty members, which means it's easier for students to make and develop professional and personal connections in the field. Students who attend Columbia's School of the Arts can concentrate in Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Printmaking, or Video. Degree offered: BA Read more about Columbia's fine arts program Cornell University Cornell offers a BFA program at its School of Art, Architecture, and Planning. The program emphasizes artistic training, contextual preparedness, critical thinking and expression, practical understanding of the contemporary art world, and sustainable practice. Because of the program's broad aims, you may get more of a liberal arts spin with this BFA. Degree offered: BFA Read more about Cornell's fine arts program CUNY Hunter College Hunter College offers a program that’s geared towards students who want to work professionally as an artist, particularly if they want to go on to grad school. This is a â€Å"fifth-year† program that gives students aprolonged, intense focus on studio practice, contemporary art, and theoretical issues - this extra year might help give you an extra boost in the professional world. Degree offered: BFA Read more about Hunter's fine arts program. Princeton University Princeton's Program in Visual Arts combines a liberal arts education with a fine arts education. Students can take courses in a range of subjects, includingpainting, drawing, graphic design, media, sculpture, photography, filmmaking, and film history criticism. Degree offered: BA Read more about Princeton's fine arts program Alfred University Alfred’s College of Ceramics provides an education that combines visual fine arts, design, and the science of ceramics, glass, and materials. It's more specialized than many of the other fine arts schools on this list, but an awesome choice if you’re interested in working with any of the above materials. Degrees offered: BFA, BS (in art history) Read more about Alfred's fine arts program Alfred: A great place for potters Tufts University A joint School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts BFA program means you get the benefits of a top liberal arts education in combination with studio art training. Students are fully enrolled at both schools, with access to resources offered by both institutions. This program is a good option for students who prioritize flexibility: the studio curriculum is entirely elective, so you can pick and choose the courses that most interest you. Degree offered: BFA Read more about the SMFA/Tufts program UCLA UCLA, one of the best public schools in the US, is also home to one of the country's best art departments. Students encouraged to explore different mediums to discover the best way to express themselves, making this program pretty flexible. Courses are offered inpainting and drawing, photography, sculpture, ceramics, art theory, and new genres. Degree offered: BA Read more about UCLA's fine arts program. University of Pennsylvania UPenn offers an undergraduate fine arts program through its school of design. Its fine arts educationblendsstudio practice, seminar courses, and interactions with visiting artists and professionals. Degree offered: BA Read more about UPenn's fine arts program Williams College The art department at Williams is one of the largest at the prestigious liberal arts college, and the department itself shares space with the Williams Museum of Art. The school itself is pretty small, so the majors offered are broad and limited in number - they include art history, studio art, and art history practice. Degree offered: BA Read more about the fine arts program at Williams Yale University Last but not least, the School of Art at Yale offers a variety of art and media courses. It's also one of the top-ranked MFA programs in the country,which points to the strength of the school. The faculty ishighly lauded - most of them have been published and/or awarded for their work. Finally, the facilities themselves are sure to impress, as students have access to art galleries, a silk screening print shop, photo labs, several theaters, and a digital media center. Degree offered: BA Read more about the fine arts program at Yale How to Choose the Right Fine Arts Program These tips will help you think about which schools might be best for you. In order to be successful in a fine arts program, you should strive to make sure that the school closely matches your needs. Fine arts programs are often pretty small - you’ll be doing a lot of studio work, and will be collaborating closely with peers and faculty. Because of the collaborative nature of the work you'll be doing, it's important that you feel comfortable with the program, students, and faculty. Before you settle on target schools, here are some factors to consider when thinking about what schools may be right for you. Program Specialties and Curriculum If you work pretty exclusively with a specific medium, you’ll want to attend a school that has extensive resources available so that you can work with that medium. For example, if you work with ceramics you might not want to focus your attention on Columbia University because Alfred might be a better fit. Alternatively, if you’re open to exploring different artistic mediums, you might seek out a more flexible program - like the one Williams College offers, for example. Faculty You'll want to find a school with qualified faculty who can serve as knowledgeable mentors. Look into whether schools retain faculty members whose work you’re interested in. You might also consider whether a school brings in fresh and exciting faces via visiting artist programs. Finally, check out the student to faculty ratio: is it low enough that you’re confident you’d get individual attention? Location A big part of a degree in fine arts will often be working in the art world via internships. Is the school located somewhere that will facilitate these internships, or have programs that will help you get internships in art and cultural centers? Notable Alumni If you’re impressed with aschool’s alumni network and number of successful grads, that’s a good sign. This indicates that it'll be easier for you to make and utilize professional connections through the school. What's Next? If you're artistically inclined but aren't dead-set on a fine arts program, you should check out our list of the top 10 art schools in the US - these might offer a bit of a broader scope than the schools listed above. If you want to end up on the west coast, you'd probably be interested in our list of the top art schools in California. To prepare the best fine arts application possible, you definitely need to read about how to prepare a stellar art portfolio. Finally, you'll want to be able to pay for all of this, right? Check out the top art scholarships in the US. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case Study (Business Research Methods) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study (Business Research Methods) - Essay Example Thus, there is no need in explanatory research. There are definite questions Joe has to answer in the process of his research. He has already done a previous research in the Internet and found some articles comparing and discussing taste of coffee from Starbucks, McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King and other smaller local coffee shops. However, not all of the studies found by Joe are relevant. The first study done by only one person, who purchased different types of coffee revealing his point of view about their taste and prices, is rather irrelevant. Such kind of information is neither objective nor representational. It cannot be regarded as a serious research after all. Moreover, since McDonald’s was best in this study, it can be claimed that it’s just pro-McDonald’s mini-campaign. The second study on the best-tasting coffee is interesting to read, but does not represent a great value. One and the same type of coffee can be prepared differentl y and, thus, have a different flavor. I think the last study is the most relevant and representational. A sample of 50 interviewed consumers of St. Louis, Missouri represents tastes and preferences of the locals regarding coffee and tea experiences. Joe has to take into account the methods used for the research in considering the coffee taste studies. A point of view is not a study as I have already mentioned above.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Significance of Place in the Context of Globalization Assignment

Significance of Place in the Context of Globalization - Assignment Example Among the many movements, globalization had and is also having a major impact in various places or parts of the world. Globalisation literally means the transformation of local phenomena into a global one and when Doreen Massey’s conceptualization of place is analyzed from globalization context, it is clear that place cannot be a static and it will become a ‘global’ sense of place or even a global village or place. So, this paper will analyze how the advent of globalization is turning our globe into a global village, with boundaries between places and countries being erased or merged and how it is impacting the social place. Globalisation is a practice of interacting and mixing or assimilation among people, companies and governments of different places or countries whose signature feature is international industrial and financial business structure. Globalisation may be thought of as the widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritually. More formally, globalization can be categorized as a process that embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions (Wiley, Nandi & Shahidullah 1998, p. 21). Hyperglobalism conceive globalization as a new age of economic integration that is characterized by open trade, global financial flows as well as multinational corporations. Hyperglobalism is driven by capitalism, communications, and transportation technology, integration into one world market and it is increasingly eroding state power and legitima cy. However another perspective is, and one that spans the entire politico-ideological spectrum - consists of what might be called the hyper-globalists, who argue that we live in a borderless world in which the national.

Skills and Perspectives Needed for Working with Families from Diverse Research Paper

Skills and Perspectives Needed for Working with Families from Diverse Backgrounds - Research Paper Example The current research paper is aimed at identifying the skills needed for working with families from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, perspectives are critical in understanding intercultural problems in the modern industrial world. In the paper, perspectives helpful to comprehend family related issues have also been discussed in detail. Introduction In this paper, the main skills and perspectives needed for working with families from diverse backgrounds will be reviewed and analyzed. The principal focus of the research is on the situation in the western countries such as USA and other developed countries such as Australia where issues of intercultural relationships, migration, assimilation, etc. have drawn considerable public attention and debate at various levels of family and consumer studies. In writing this paper, academic literature including scholarly articles and practitioner’s resources have been used from reputable journals and university databases and libraries. The pap er is divided into sections dedicated to introduction, background research, problem, thesis statement, objectives, discussion, and conclusion. Background Family is the unit of society and nation that provides the most critical needs such as physical security and emotional support to its members. Family system brings coherence among individuals, begets mutual trust, legitimizes sex and synthesizes the civilization (Samovar, Porter, & McDaniel, 2009). Given the importance of family in any civilized society, immigrants have to be assimilated keeping in mind the need of fostering social coherence. Particularly in the developed countries where social constructs are highly complex and mechanistic industrialization booms, advent of immigrants is a major trend. For example, USA receives thousands of immigrants from different parts of the world every year. The institution of family becomes critical in such circumstances, where immigrants are being received either in groups, in families, or s imply as isolated individuals and/or asylum seekers (Gold & Nawyn, 2013). Furthermore, the issue of social justice for the relatively more marginalized populations also remains a significant question. For example, aboriginal population in Australia needs more social care and empathetic treatment because of their poor economic conditions. In America, the American Indians and African Americans also have similar problems. Problem In working with the families with diverse backgrounds, there are different issues in different countries. For example, in the countries such as Australia and New Zealand where immigration is still rather limited, issues of the families from aboriginal cultures must be addressed. These issues are absent in UK, yet the problem of assimilating the immigrant population in the country is very serious. And in the countries such as USA, ethnically and culturally varied families are highly common. Historically, USA has faced numerous hurdles in assimilating the variou s minority ethnic groups, immigrants, American Indians, different religious groups, etc. The practical aspects of the overall problem relate to three important issues: (1) handling the difficulties faced by children; (2) handling the difficulties faced by female family members; and (3) creating a holistic coverage of intercultural

Information Security Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Information Security Management - Essay Example There is a need for ensuring an appraisal of the operations of the information system at Hewlett-Packard in a bid to consolidate an organized arrangement in the prevention of danger. In view of the rise in the level of an insecure system within the operation systems of Hewlett Packard, there is a need to come up with various measures that can curb the danger that the company is exporting. In addition, there is also need for addressing the possibility of the occurrence of disasters like fire that may end up damaging property within the company. Presently, the operating system the staff is using is susceptible to threats outside and within the company. There is need for a safe operating system that the staff uses in order to ensure confidentiality of information within the organization. This report comes up with the appropriate recommendations that have to be considered to ensure safety of the entire operating system. There were complaints raised regarding the access of computers without the knowledge of the users of the computers. The report looks at the provision of the use of passwords and various data storage devices within the organization. This research was conducted through investigation and filling of questionnaires by the staff members. A number of 250 questionnaires were distributed to the employees, and they were filled based on the scales that surround that security and confidentiality of the jobs that they do. The survey concentrated purely on the security of the work being done rather than the individual details in the environment. The staff members who took part in the survey were volunteers and their details were anonymous. The management having been briefed of the challenges being faced within the firm, they decided to appoint a team of IT experts led by the IT systems administrator to look into the situation and address the matter amicably before it got out of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

English wine week Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English wine week - Assignment Example The first step in competitor analysis involves price differentiation. Under price differentiation, EWP must have a strong understanding and knowledge on the prices and pricing strategies of the competitors. It is after this that EWP will employ alternative pricing strategies that would enable it to gain market dominance. It is also important for EWP to understand the marketing strategies of the competitors and their effectiveness. Finally, EWP must have a deeper knowledge on the production technics employed by their competitors. 3.0 Objectives The primary objective of English Wine Producers (EWP) is to dominate the wines market of the United Kingdom by winning the confidence and royalty of the potential customer and wine consumers. Market dominance being the primary goal of all institutions, to excel and dominate the wines industry of UK, EWP must be ready to battle it out with other well established wine manufacturers. This primary objective would only be realized through product pr omotion and popularizing its products in the media, vineyards promotion, tourism sector wine popularity, and among the members of the wine trade or national consumer (Gelder, & Woodcock, 2003). Other English wine promotional includes trade media and trade bureaus. Other objects of the company include remaining profitable in the industry since it is a profit making entity. 3.1 Direct Marketing Objectives Business is all about marketing and customers. The basic function of the marketing department of the organization is to ensure that EWP reach out to all the potential customers. The effectiveness of direct marketing strategy is to increase the sales promotion of the English wines. The company promotes its products indirectly through promotional companies such as United Kingdom Vineyards Association and Welsh Wines (McLoughlin, & Aaker, 2010). The EWP also conducts national promotion for its products during special events such as English Wine Weeks, sporting activities, Queens Diamond Jubilee, The Royal Wedding and other major events both within the UK and abroad. 3.2 Acquisition Objectives The main objective of EWP undertaking acquisition increase market penetration and development through sound sales and financial policies. This entails investing resources on the company’s potential areas of growth and economic development. Besides, a company interested in acquisition and takeover must be ready to invest in leadership and management so as to achieve stability and economic growth (Sherman, & Hart, 2006). EWP objectives of the proposed acquisition are to mobilize resources to invest in growth potentials and opportunities. This company will benefit from a great deal through increased sales, revenue allocation and management, and improved man power in the leadership and management forming a partnership with Vineyard, EWP stands an opportunity of expanding its marketing skills and exploring new ventures. 3.3 Retention Objectives It is important for EWP to be consistent in its strategies and policies. This principle calls for retention as a fundamental strategy when handling its labour force and human capacity. Retention policy entails appreciating, developing, valuing, and trusting in the labour force or production techniques (Mauk, & Army War College, 2012). This is essential in maintaining good relationship with the staff, and also providing an

Early modernist art movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Early modernist art movements - Essay Example Futurism is clearly an innovative movement which was launched in Italy in 1909. Nonetheless, there were parallel art movements in Russia, England, and other regions. It is one of the first and among the most critical early modernist art movements that were not centered in Paris-this is evidently the reason why France does not take the movement seriously. Futurism was responsible for exalting the modern world dynamism, particularly in the field of science and technology. Futurism had begun in literature but spread its wings covering painting, industrial design, sculpture, and so on and their ideology influenced all other types of art. This piece, The City Rises, is considered to be the first painting in the futurism movement. The artist, Boccioni, illustrates a modern city in construction. In the image, it is clear that the artist depicts chaos and movement that resembles a war scene. Some people state that this work shows that the futurism movement believed that war was the only viab le means toward culture progress. The racing horses into the work’s foreground as workers are seen struggling to gain control indicate a struggle between animals and people. Animals shown are not very clear indicating movement while other objects are painted more realistically. Boccioni also shows the influences of Impressionism, Cubism, and Post-Impressionism as seen in the broken exemplification of space. Constructivism happened in Russia and was the most influential in the 20th century, it was also the modern movement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Information Security Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Information Security Management - Essay Example There is a need for ensuring an appraisal of the operations of the information system at Hewlett-Packard in a bid to consolidate an organized arrangement in the prevention of danger. In view of the rise in the level of an insecure system within the operation systems of Hewlett Packard, there is a need to come up with various measures that can curb the danger that the company is exporting. In addition, there is also need for addressing the possibility of the occurrence of disasters like fire that may end up damaging property within the company. Presently, the operating system the staff is using is susceptible to threats outside and within the company. There is need for a safe operating system that the staff uses in order to ensure confidentiality of information within the organization. This report comes up with the appropriate recommendations that have to be considered to ensure safety of the entire operating system. There were complaints raised regarding the access of computers without the knowledge of the users of the computers. The report looks at the provision of the use of passwords and various data storage devices within the organization. This research was conducted through investigation and filling of questionnaires by the staff members. A number of 250 questionnaires were distributed to the employees, and they were filled based on the scales that surround that security and confidentiality of the jobs that they do. The survey concentrated purely on the security of the work being done rather than the individual details in the environment. The staff members who took part in the survey were volunteers and their details were anonymous. The management having been briefed of the challenges being faced within the firm, they decided to appoint a team of IT experts led by the IT systems administrator to look into the situation and address the matter amicably before it got out of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Early modernist art movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Early modernist art movements - Essay Example Futurism is clearly an innovative movement which was launched in Italy in 1909. Nonetheless, there were parallel art movements in Russia, England, and other regions. It is one of the first and among the most critical early modernist art movements that were not centered in Paris-this is evidently the reason why France does not take the movement seriously. Futurism was responsible for exalting the modern world dynamism, particularly in the field of science and technology. Futurism had begun in literature but spread its wings covering painting, industrial design, sculpture, and so on and their ideology influenced all other types of art. This piece, The City Rises, is considered to be the first painting in the futurism movement. The artist, Boccioni, illustrates a modern city in construction. In the image, it is clear that the artist depicts chaos and movement that resembles a war scene. Some people state that this work shows that the futurism movement believed that war was the only viab le means toward culture progress. The racing horses into the work’s foreground as workers are seen struggling to gain control indicate a struggle between animals and people. Animals shown are not very clear indicating movement while other objects are painted more realistically. Boccioni also shows the influences of Impressionism, Cubism, and Post-Impressionism as seen in the broken exemplification of space. Constructivism happened in Russia and was the most influential in the 20th century, it was also the modern movement.

European Cinema Essay Example for Free

European Cinema Essay The characteristics and development of cinema can be initially determined from its dependence on the technological advancements that have contributed to the art. However, despite technology’s major influence in all aspects of filmmaking, cinema from different parts of the world can be identified through the distinctive approaches of filmmakers and screenplay writers. European and American cinematic traditions for instance differ from one another in terms of manner of how the elements are employed. Although there are several similarities between the two traditions, there are distinct elements that characterize European films from American films. Primarily the distinct characteristic of European films incline on the influence of the continent’s history and various social changes in the continent. The European tradition tends to seek lessons from the past to give light to the present. Likewise, European films artistically communicate the present, or the current state of affairs as a portal by which the viewers come into an understanding of past events. American cinema meanwhile as characterized by Hollywood establishes filmmaking as a form of merchandise, in which films are treated as commodity’s produced and manufactured by a particular company. American films tend to appeal to the audience through the use of publicity such as the actors’ popularity and appeal to the public. But more importantly, American cinema has never actually tackled social issues until it was influenced by European filmmaking traditions. Hence, an argument regarding the traditions of both regions emerges; cinema becomes an effective commodity such as the case of Hollywood, or as an art form, as usually practiced in Europe. The aforementioned developments in these two regions of the world therefore represent the framework as to how film connects with the society and how else film functions both as a commercial product and as a piece of art. Primarily, the styles and themes of European cinema following the Second World War have been characterized by several factors. These factors include the director’s creative vision, a particular nation’s perception of its cultural identity, the series of events that brought social awareness to the nations and the political as well as aesthetic departure from conventional techniques that have become cliches. As much as technology influences the quality, substance, and aesthetics of European films, filmmakers remained reflective of the dynamics of society that they represent. The German Expressionist filmmakers for example bring the director’s emotions to the viewers’ sphere through the unrealistic mise-en-scenes which laid the establishment of focus for the film’s artificial constructed look as well as the gestural acting styles of the characters (Forbes Street 2000). However, the geography and varying social belief systems fragment European cinema largely because the locations of countries together with the colorful, yet, violent history suggests produces different social beliefs from cities and nations across Europe. For instance, the height of World War II and the Nazi campaign in Europe saw the production and release of films that promote the regime’s propaganda, anything that had anti-Nazi implications and underlying messages were banned. Given the strangling events during the time, the end of the war and the decline of the National Socialist (Nazi) regime proved to be the turning point for the European cinema as various techniques and visual styles have emerged as a result of the war and the diminished restrictions gave more liberal advantage for filmmakers. One of the products of Europe’s war torn history is the Italian neo-realist movement which entailed the conditions of the working class and the impoverished people in a post war set up. Italian neo-realism is notable for reflecting such realities as filmmakers did not reflect the times through the elements of character, plot, or narrative but through filmmaking techniques like location shoots instead of sophisticated studio shoots and the use of dialogue dubbing instead of the use of high-end audio equipment (Forbes Street 2000). The Polish Film School is another film movement that emerged out of the war. Being influenced by Italy’s neo-realism, the Polish Film School savored the drastic liberal changes in Poland after the war by communicating the difficulties of Poland and her people during the Second World War (Forbes Street 2000). While the Italian neo-realists reflected the socio-economic conditions of people through the technique’s used in making and producing films, the Polish Film School used narratives and plot structures to depict important factors during and after the war such as the role of the resistance group Armia Krajowa after the war and the tragic incidents of the war such as the Nazi concentration camps. The 60s also provided a new phase to European cinema as the French and Czechoslovak New Waves as well as the New German Cinema emerged to artistic prominence. These new artistic styles, while they provide evolutionary techniques for European cinema, provided signature styles of the respective countries. But as much as the styles maintained the cultural identity of the respective countries, the French, German, and Czechoslovakian films, like the Italian neo-realism and the Polish Film School, also utilized low production values such as small budgets but still managed to employ social reflections and representations (Forbes Street 2000).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Green Concept In The Hotel Industry

The Green Concept In The Hotel Industry Tourism industry is one of the leading industries around the world. It has been proved that this industry generates billions of money and it also helps people around the world to travel and increase their knowledge about other cultures and languages. But unfortunately, after thousands of years we found out that the tourism industry have a negative impact on the environment. However, there has been awareness both for the research arena and people since decades in the protection of the environment, and the need to safeguard the natural resources for the future generation. This awareness has spread all over the world starting first in US and Europe. The green practices were put into action after the deal Mauritius made with France for the contract of Maurice Ile Durable. The population of Mauritius comprising both consumers and producers have recently shown an increase concern about the environmental impact of products Considerable attention has been directed toward green products such as organic foods, recyclable paper, phosphate-free detergents, energy-efficient lighting. Consumers make product choices based on which combination of product attributes that meet their needs based on dimensions of value, cost, and prior satisfaction (Kotler, 1997). Considering the tourism industry in Mauritius, we can say that it is the leading growth sector. Somehow the country depends a lot on this industry and same as foreign countries, Mauritius also has made a lot of evolution. Big hotels were built in every coastal area to accommodate tourists and the minister of tourism has also embellished our historical gardens and other visiting sites. It is also well known that tourists are attracted by the 3S of our country, that is, the sea, sun and the sand. Mauritius is a small Island and we must conserve and preserve the natural resources and also protect the environment surrounding us. As mentioned above, same as in Goa, Mauritius as well is facing serious problems concerning pollu tion and over use of resources. At present hotels, travelers and other tourism industries are aware of the measures that should be taken to preserve the nature together with the satisfaction of customers. This is why, nowadays it can be seen that there are hotels that are innovating into green hotels and more green hotels are built so as to be sustainable. 2.1 The Green Concept in the hotel industry The Green concept of the hotel industry is an increase in awareness since the late 1980s. The hotel sector is said to be one of the most energy and water intensive sectors in the tourism industry. (Bohdanowicz, 2005). When hotels are constructed there is a need to make use of the environments resources like the land. Hotels can operate in different parts of the environment. The facilities like comfortable services, supplies (heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, etc) to customers are necessary for their operations. (Bohdanowicz, 2005; Han et al., 2009). All these are said to be contributions to negative impacts on the environment. However, the success of the tourism industry, as well as the hotel sector will depends on the availability of a clean environment. Hotels operation lead to pollution, waste, and other elements represent a threat for the environment. The Green concept in this context is to turn these elements into a recycling process that will cause less harm to the envir onment. It is believed that hotels have produced great harm to the environment by, for example, consuming vast quantities of non recyclable products that generate tremendous waste, consuming substantial amounts of water and energy and emitting carbon dioxide and air, water and soil pollutants (Bohdanowicz, 2005; Chan, 2005). According to Wolfe and Shanklin (2001), the term green, which can alternatively be called eco-friendly, environmentally responsible, environmentally friendly, sustainable and environmentally oriented (Han et al., 2009; Pizam, 2009), are referred to actions (for e.g. recycling) that diminish harmful impacts on the environment. Green hotels are therefore described as environmentally responsible hotels that actively follow environmentally friendly guidelines, practice environmental management, implement diverse eco-friendly practices, institute sound green programs and commit themselves to achieving environmental improvement by displaying eco-labels or a green globe logo (Department of Environmental Protection, 2001; Green Hotel Association, 2008; Han et al., 2009, 2010; International Hotels Environmental Initiative, 1993). There is a public concern over environmental damage and customers desire for environmentally oriented products have stimulated hotel operators to green their operations (Han et al., 2009; Manaktola Jauhari, 2007; Wolfe Shanklin, 2001). Researchers and practitioners agree that the greening of a hotel contributes to satisfying eco-friendly customers green needs, avoids criticism of existing tourism practices, fulfils the requirements of government regulations and substantially decreases costs through waste reduction, water or energy conservation and recycling (Chan, 2005; Han et al., 2009; Wolfe Shanklin,2001). 2.2 The Green Building Green building is a new term which refers to environmentally friendly practices from the building design to the landscaping choice. With the introduction of sustainable development, building also need to be sustainable because buildings generate large amount of wastes from its construction and during its lifetime. And these wastes impacts on the surroundings, the environment and the people. According to Scatterfield (2009) the less impact a building has on human health and the environment, the more green it is. A green building can cost a lot at the beginning, but is profitable in the long run. It brings more benefits such as less pollution, more comfort for the employees and guests, and increase in productivity. The U.S Green Building Council (USGBC) in 2010 organised a competition with the aim to identify the best and brightest vision in the designing of an environmentally friendly hotel suite. The title of the competition was the sustainable Suite Design Competition. The judges have to consider several elements such as the resources efficiency of the suite (water, energy and materials), the guest room overall attributes, innovation nad aesthetic and lastly the cost associated with the design of the suite. The winners name was Haptik. The techniques developed by Haptik concerns the saving of energy in the room by using the PIS which is the passive infrared sensors. Th e PIS switch off light automatically when nobody is in the room. Haptik utilized the Trombe wall in the bathroom which uses sunlight to heat the water. A model of the suite was shown to the public during the HD Expo 2010. 2.2.1 The Green Building Certificate There are several certifications given to hotel all over the world to encourage them to move towards eco friendly attitude. The certification includes specific norms from energy saving to waste water disposal. Having a certification is often considered as a marketing tool also. The certifications are often internationally known. 2.3 The Green Tourist Nowadays, tourists are showing preferences for destinations that protect and preserve the environment. In the literature there has been a tendency to use the terms green and sustainable interchangeably. However, there are very distinct differences between the two. Green is defined as a product or service that is both environmentally and socially responsible. It is accountable to and respectful of the places and people that provide and use them (Mc Laren, 2006). Sustainable is defined as the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Brundtland, 1987). Green Tourism is defined by the Green Association as travel and exploration within and around an area that offers visitors enjoyment and appreciation of the areas natural assets and cultural resources, while inspiring physically active, intellectually stimulating and socially interactive experiences (Blackstone Corporation, 1996). The United Nations designate d the year 2000 as the international year of Ecotourism. Eco tourists or green tourists attempt to travel in a manner not harmful to the environment. To travel green means to travel responsibly while conserving the environment and minimizing the social, cultural and ecological impacts, a green tourist enables other people to visit the same place later and still enjoy the same experience. Green tourism is informative because travelers learn their destination and local people learn what to appreciate what they have to offer. It supports the integrity of the place because conscientious travelers seek out things that are characteristic of the locality in terms of architecture, cuisine, heritage or environment. Quality not quantity should be the goal of Green Tourism, therefore permanence and richness of experience is what both parties are striving for. According to environmentalists, the Green Practice was put into action when the view of the Earth was broadcasted through satellites programs. From that moment itself an increase concern to protect the earths fragility, and there is a need to conserve and protect it. This is the result in an increase of awareness of the following terms like; the ozone layer, greenhouse effect and acid rain. (Walker, 2000). Despite the complexities surrounding green behavior the tourism industry is still keen to understand how the green concerns of consumers correlate to tourists and how the concerns convert to travel- or holiday-related behavior. Moreover, Peattie (2001) has claimed that although all consumers are green consumers at some point in their lives, most green purchases involve a trade-off. These compromises include paying a green premium or accepting a lower standard product or service for better eco performance. However, differences in concerns and behaviors among tourists highlight the l ack of homogeneity in this market. For example, concerns about the impact of transport and conservation of wildlife tend to be more mainstream issues, whereas erosion of recreational areas by walking or riding may only concern niche market segments, such as eco-tourists, environmentally responsible tourists or ethical tourists, which are the alternative terms given to green tourists ( Horner and Swarbrooke, 2006 ). These differences have been explained according to four factors awareness and knowledge of the issues; attitudes towards the environment in general; other priorities in life; information obtained from the media and pressure groups; and their health, family commitments and housing ( Horner and Swarbrooke, 2006, p. 181 ). Although many in the tourism industry question whether the environmental concerns of tourists influence decision making, there is evidence that some tourists may choose anairline based on their environmental management practices ( Horner and Swarbrooke, 2006 ). They may also boycott events involving animal cruelty (for example, bull-fights) or campaign against tourism development that destroys wildlife habitats. Furthermore, the extent of change varies from one type of tourist to another. The very dark green consumers may convert their beliefs into action by not taking holidays away from home so as to prevent harm to the environment and in doing so do not become tourists. On the other hand, the not all green tourist may show only a passing interest by reading about the environmental issues caused by tourism (Hornermand Swarbrooke, 2006). 2.4 Attitudes towards the Green Practice Over the last few decades, protecting the environment has been a major issue in our society (Easterling et al., 1996). Recognizing the seriousness of ecological problems, people have become increasingly environmentally conscious. This ecological awareness has led an increasing number of individuals to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors in their everyday lives. (Kalafatis et al., 1999; Laroche et al., 2001). In addition, Amyx et al. (1994) has focused on the perceived importance of the environment to the degree to which individuals express their consciousness of environmental issues. In conceptualizing the perceived importance of the environment as the primary indicator of attitudes toward environmentally compatible behaviors, Laroche et al. (2001) determined the levels of these attitudes by whether individuals considered eco-friendly behaviors to be essential to themselves or the entire society. This ATGB mainly involves the perceived importance or inconvenience of environm ental consciousness, the severity of environmental problems, and the level of responsibility of corporations (Laroche et al., 2001; McCarty and Shrum, 1994; Roberts, 1996). In other words, individuals ATGB can be established by the level of their awareness of these dimensions of ATGB for themselves and for society as a whole. Some researchers has also pointed out that only a small portion of environmentally conscious customers actually purchases eco-friendly products in the marketplace because of high monetary and non-monetary costs and inconvenience (Maibach, 1993; Roberts, 1996). However, numerous findings indicated that more environmental concern tends to result in more environmentally friendly buying behaviors (e.g., Kalafatis et al., 1999; Laroche et al., 2001; Manaktola and Jauhari, 2007). Consumers may be willing to purchase environmentally-friendly products but are faced with constraints or conflicts that create a resistance to adopting pro-environmental behavior. For example, consumers may want to be environmentally responsible but still want to maintain their existing life-style (Schwartz, 1990; McDaniel and Rylander, 1993). They may not be prepared to sacrifice convenience (Simon, 1992; Stern, 1999), accept lower performance levels, or pay a price premium (Peattie, 1999b). Based on Ajzens (1988) theory of planned behaviour consumers environmental purchasing intentions and behaviour may be influenced by a number of factors, such as the individuals knowledge and motivation, the ability to perform the behaviour and the opportunity to behave in an enviro nmentally-friendly way (Pieters, 1989; O  ¨ lander and Thà ¸gersen, 1995). 2.5 Tourists willingness to buy Green Products Products are defined as environmentally friendly if in some way they aim at reducing a products negative environmental impact. Some authors have suggested that the failure to reassure consumers on the products functional performance was partly attributable to the early failure of many environmentally-friendly products (e.g. Davis, 1993; Ottman, 1999). Although it has been found that some consumers may, for example, accept a lower functional performance in order to buy a product that delivers environmental benefits, the environmental benefit in itself is neither the primary benefit sought nor the primary motivation for purchase (Speer, 1997; Ottman, 2001). As Wong et al. (1996) observed: Green is seldom the over-riding determinant of product or brand choice but just another benefit or attribute that adds value, usually a feel good factor to the overall product. (Wong et al., 1996, p. 269). Some marketers appear to have overlooked this and assumed that an environmental positioning alone was sufficient to guarantee product success (Ottman, 1995). Product performance appears to play a key role in influencing consumer adoption and retention of environmental products. So, when there is consumer skepticism of the relative performance of environmental products or a performance gap exists (i.e.consumer expectations of the products performance have not matched up to the in-use experience), this may strongly influence the products acceptance (Wong et al., 1996).Within the hotel sector, increasing numbers of customers prefer to choose a green lodging facility that follows environmentally friendly practices, showing concern about the seriousness of ecological degradation (Han, Hsu, Sheu, 2010; Manaktola Jauhari, 2007). In recognition of this eco-friendly consumption need, nowadays many hotel firms seek to incorporate customers emerging concerns about the environment in their man agement or a marketing decision-making (Bohdanowicz, 2006; Lee, Hsu, Han, Kim, 2010; Mensah, 2006). Altering their hotel operations to be green (i.e. significantly reducing environmental impacts) is becoming a necessity to attain noticeable improvement in their competitiveness in the market (Han, Hsu, Lee, 2009; Manaktola Jauhari, 2007). One of the most credible pieces of evidence demonstrating the increase of environmentally friendly customer behaviors is the increased number of customers who have a strong intention to pay more for green products (Laroche, Bergeron, Barbaro-Forleo, 2001). In the hotel context, in reality, green hotel prices do not significantly differ from those of comparable conventional (or non-green) hotels (Han et al., 2009; Manaktola Jauhari, 2007). The green hotel operators interest is in whether travelers are willing to pay comparable regular-hotel prices for their hotel, perhaps sacrificing little conveniences while staying at their green hotel (reusin g towels, limited use of disposable products, use of recycled products/furniture, recycling bins, buffet-style foods without garnishes, meeting tables without tablecloths, minimized decor, non-smoking areas, dispensers for soap/shampoo, etc.). For consumers who are more receptive to environmental products and purchase them through choice, there may be a segment that are willing to pay more for the environmental benefit. But, whilst some authors suggest that consumers are willing-to-pay more for an environmentally-friendly products (Kassarjian, 1971; Freeman, 1989; Klein, 1990; McCloskey, 1990; Kapelianis et al., 1996; Laroche et al., 2001), others suggest otherwise (Wood, 1990; Simon, 1992; Sims, 1993). Marketplace examples also suggest that in reality consumers are not always prepared to pay the premium prices suggested by research (Fuller, 1999). Although our knowledge about consumers acceptance of paying a higher price for environmentally-friendly products appears to be inconsist ent and inconclusive, it has often been found that consumers will pay on average around 5 percent more (Schwartz, 1990; Kapelianis et al., 1996; Speer, 1997). 2.6 Cost of going green in the hotel industry With a broadly point of view, there are two approaches in the environmental cost analysis. One emphasizes the costs associated with environmental damage and its remediation, the other stresses on the price of control. In practice, this damage costing approach faces some essential problems in estimating the environmental impact as described by Bernow at al. (1991). Hotel developers still face specific barriers in developing and operating green properties, such as finding vendors, contractors, engineers, housekeepers, landscapers and managers that understand new systems, products and procedures. Complicating matters for hotels is to cover the typical hotel management and franchise agreements. The highly structures arrangements negotiated between hotels owners and hotel managers have not yet addressed a number of issues raised by green development, redevelopment or operation that affects the bottom line of both entities. Finally, there is the issue of meeting the expectations of paying guests. Although we believe guests expect hotels to operate in an environmentally conscious fashion, it may also be that those same guests may have unrealistic expectations of luxury and comfort in terms of green operation. To take simple example, do hotels still need to put out individual shampoo bottles and does the spa need to smell faintly like chlorine to satisfy guests expectations. The costs arising from the implementation of ISO 14001 include those associated with initial set up, maintenance and improvement (Chin et al., 1998). The price of initial set up refers to all costs associated with the provision of hardware and software facilities, plus tools for establishing the system in compliance with the ISO 14000 EMS standards.